A review by lilliangretsinger
The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life by John le Carré


I stopped at page 260 - I tried reading the print copy. I tried the audio book, which was slightly better because it was read by the author is a posh British accent. I still found the book DULL. It talked about events that happened before my time. The author discusses certain events without referencing a specific year in most cases and just expects the reader to know when it happened. (yes, I suppose I could look it up but then I would be reading wikipedia more than the book.)

The author keeps referencing the chapter on his father that he left for the end. The chapter on his father is 30 freaking pages - daddy issues much? This is where I gave up.

I am sure his fiction material is very interesting, but this memoir read like a meandering conversation with someone who is WAY past his prime and thinks he's more important than he actually is.

The one bright chapter in this book was his description/forward for Alec Guinness. That was lovely and beautifully written.