A review by geo_ix
Gron's Fated by V.C. Lancaster


3.5 stars.

Damn it all. I jumped the jun back in Feb '16 and bought this right after I finished book two but never got around to it and now that we finally have KU here in AUS I'm super upset with myself for buying it back then when I could have gotten it through KU now. Serves me right for buying things and not reading them then I guess.

Anyway, this wasn't as great as book one but it was still pretty great. I liked it all pretty much up until the end when the Eater comes and then I wasn't quite as satisfied. I love seeing Gron's emotions play out and Ruth disappointed me with the pinching thing because it didn't make her any better than the alphas and I thought she wouldn't go that way, but she did.

Will read the third this month I'm hoping, didn't realise it was already March so now I'm behind on my March reading challenge but whatever haha