A review by chwaters
Ophelia by Lisa M. Klein


Like the author, I've always felt that Ophelia was much maligned. For some reason, I've also always had a strange fascination with her character. Imagine my delight when I discover that someone has decided to give her a voice.
And...it was merely OK. I was hoping to meet a much more interesting Ophelia, not simply one that was more or less vindicated in her actions. I had severe trouble with the way the book ended as well, but to discuss that would be to spoil the story (though, to an extent, some things are hinted at in the prologue). While it was a very Shakespearean thing to do, I just couldn't buy it. The book was overly long and very slowly-paced. I can't help but think that readers would be hoping for an Ophelia that kicks some butt or at least stands up for herself. Instead, they are left with an Ophelia that scarcely fights for what she believes in. Other readers might find themselves groaning at the very end. I did. I was also, I suppose, looking for more insight into Hamlet's motivations as far as Ophelia is concerned. Anyone looking for answers there will also be disappointed.