A review by me_haugen
Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee


Read this one while they were dredging the lake for my keys. I was supposed to be driving the popemobile during the weekly Sunday service parade at Vatican City, but I decided to run over to Lake Como for a little swim before the show. I specifically wore my velcro pocket swim trunks so the key to the popemobile wouldn't fall out of my pockets but I had forgotten that there was a hole in those pockets from the time I put my pet eel in there and swam in the ocean to give him a taste of the Pacific and he chewed a hole in my pocket and escaped. So anyway everyone was so mad at me and like "How can we have a parade without a pope? And how can a pope be in a parade without his protective bubble car?" I kinda was thinking they should have just had an extra key made but everyone was so pissed I didn't say anything. The pope didn't seem too mad though. He just spent a little extra time drawing stigmata on the make-a-wish kids who had come to visit that morning. This book was good.