A review by roobie
More Than This by Jay McLean


2.5 stars

"Let her read," Cam says with an evil smirk.

"Shut up," Lucy mumbles under her breath.

Cam starts laughing. "Oh I love it when she reads. Sometimes when we're in bed, she'll be reading and make this little moaning sounds," he continues, trying not to laugh.

Lucy jumps off the truck. Removing her heels, she stalks him like prey. "I swear to god Cameron Aladdin Gordon! You better shut your mouth or I won't put out for one year!"

I loved Lucy she's the bestest. And Logan. Can't wait for their books!

As for our main couple.. Two words:
Blue. Balls.
Not cool Mikayla.
Not. Cool.
1.5 star for them. One extra for the Mayhem gang.