A review by kindlebabe
The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic by Breanne Randall


Book : The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic
Author : Breanne Randall
Pub Date : 19 Sep 2023

Thanks so much Alcove Press and NetGalley for an advance read in exchange for this review!

This book was surely a wonderful change from my usual read and I am not mad about it. Practical Magic meets a delicious baking show. The writing was superb and the characters had amazing dialogue and connection. I couldn’t help but want to place myself in the book.

This was a great page turner. I laughed a lot, I cried a lot && I read this book in about a 24hr time span. I didn’t want to stop living in this world. This book is a must read should be on everybody’s TBR.