A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Dreaming of Death by Jewels Arthur


I'm usually not a big fan of short novels, at least, not THIS short, but I liked the other books by Jewels Arthur I read and I love dark stories, so I wanted to check it out. And since I finished my other book early today, but not early enough for a bigger book, this was the perfect way to do some extra reading. And surprisingly enough it was quite an interesting half an hour.

Let me start with saying that the book could use another round of edits. I'm not that great when it comes to English and I worked hard to get where I'm now, but there were some smaller spelling mistakes that even I noticed. It wasn't a dealbreaker, but there were a few moments I had to read a sentence twice to figure out what it was supposed to say. (And I know I should write those down so I can let the author know, but I liked the story too much to do that :P)

However, the concept of the story is quite nice. It was, after a few chapters, quite easy to guess what was going on, but that didn't take away from the story. Mostly because the atmosphere was amazing and breathtaking. The images were so vivid and therefore truly scary and quite a few times I had the shivers rolling down my spine. The contrast with the ending was quite huge, but I liked that. Despite everything I closed the book with a smile.

And despite the shortness of the story, we get a nice impression of the characters in the story and harem. It's quite hard to really form a connection with the characters in a story from barely 40 pages, but somehow I did kinda root for them and hoped that somehow things would turn out okay. And because it's clear that the characters within the story know each other quite well, it's less about the forming from the connection anyway.