A review by curly83185
Downtown Owl by Chuck Klosterman


A friend asked me to read this book because she, "wanted to discuss it with somebody." I started reading it, having no idea what to expect. Almost immediately I was captivated and unable to put the book down. Klosterman's characters and descriptions of life in small mid-west town in America (Owl, North Dakota to be precise) were intriguing. It is at once what you expect from life in a small town and completely different at the same time. This book is anything but formulaic. It does not move through the typical beginning - middle with climax - and then end. Instead you grow to know the members of the town and follow the development of three characters in particular. Klosterman makes you a voyeur into their lives and it seems as if there is no real plot other than just following the existence of these characters. But the book takes a surprising turn.