A review by dobbsthedog
Ne'er Duke Well by Alexandra Vasti


Received from NetGalley and LibroFM quite some time ago, thanks!

This book was okay.  I can’t quite figure out what it is that didn’t quite work for me?  Maybe it was a bit too much not-like-other-girls?  I really don’t know.

I adored Vasti’s Halifax Hellions novellas, so was really looking forward to a full length novel, but for whatever reason this one just didn’t hit the same way as those ones did.

Overall, there was very little relationship drama, no third act breakup, Selina runs a library with an erotic section for women because she wants to educate them and Peter is a an abolitionist.  All of these are things that should have made me love it, but it just fell flat.

The story is that Peter Kent, the new Duke of Sanford has fallen into the title, being an illegitimate son of the former Duke, who was raised in New Orleans.  This obviously makes him an outsider in parliament and the ton.  He is also trying to get custody of his two much younger siblings, as their mother has died.  It is decided that it would look better for his petition if he’s married.  And so starts his sort of courting of three different not-like-other-girls, when Selina is the not-like-other-girls that he actually wants.

Anyway, I’ll likely read Vasti’s other books, in hopes of getting something closer to the Hellions books.  And this book wasn’t bad, it was just kind of blah, imo.