A review by sonja_ahrb
Omega Awakening by L.V. Lane


I’ve been stuck on HBOMax since the beginning of the month, so it’s been a little over a week since I’ve read anything and I thought that I finally needed to find something to read. I’ve been into the Omegaverse recently, so when I say Omega Awakening, I decided to check it out. I love a fairytale retelling, the synopsis interested me and after I read the sample, I borrowed it from KU. For the most part, I really did enjoy Omega Awakening and I felt invested in Woodrow and Verity’s story, but there were some hiccups for me. I’ve kind of been going around and around in my head trying to figure out how to explain the things I wasn’t a fan of only to come up with an argument/explanation that gives me a reason for why it happened in the first place. Devil’s Advocate Me is really going in on Book Issues Me and I am not a fan, but I’m pushing through so I can move on.

One of my main problems was that the relationship between Verity and Woodrow seemed really unbalanced for most of their interactions which I know obviously that’s to be a bit expected what with the age gap and all, but it just felt Woodrow had almost all the power and Verity had very little. I do definitely think it’s more balanced at the end, but I would have liked to see more of a partnership between them earlier on or at least for the forming of it to be shown to us — and that brings me to my other issue which is that I feel like we were told Verity and Woodrow love each other, but we weren’t really shown it. It’s easier to believe that Woodrow loves Verity because he knows a lot about her, but I don’t think the same can be said about Verity knowing Woodrow. We don’t see a ton of talking or a bond forming between them except for bedroom times. That’s not to say we get nothing, I just wanted more because I did like Verity and Woodrow, but I didn’t love them as much as I think I could have.

That is just how I felt reading Omega Awakening, but it doesn’t mean you’ll feel that way, so take that with a grain of salt. Plus I really did enjoy it, the world was very interesting, it held my attention and I wouldn’t be opposed to visiting it again.

~ Sonja, 4 Stars