A review by mslaura
Fallen Beauty by Erika Robuck


This novel revolves around the lives of the fictional seamstress Laura Kelley and the real poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, and the relationship which develops between them in an upstate New York town. I found Laura's character likable and I had sympathy for the position in which she found herself; a single mother ostracized by her community and struggling to support herself and her child. However, this is really a character which has been presented countless times before, and I did not feel that this novel added anything new or interesting to this storyline. Edna St. Vincent Millay, on the other hand, is unlike anyone I have ever read about before. She lived a life of disturbing excess and was apparently quite a sad and troubled woman. Although this should have added an interesting dimension to the story, the writing in this book just never grabbed me or held my interest for very long. It seemed there was a lot of unnecessary detail and the story moved along too slowly for my tastes. Overall this book was just okay for me.

This review refers to an ARC I received for free through the Goodreads Firstreads program.