A review by jennlrichardson
The Secret Sky by Atia Abawi


This is a book that I picked up randomly at the library. I decided to read it because the only things I've ever read about Afghanistan were books by soldier's about the war, so I thought it would be interesting; and the author is a news correspondent and spent five years living in Afghanistan. I loved this story. I think it gave us a real look at a culture we don't always understand. It's amazing how much cultures can differ! In this story the girl is basically cast out because she talked to a male friend of the opposite sex whom she'd been friends with her whole life - and they were alone. At their age, that is not allowed. There were several times while reading this book that I felt like someone punched me right in the stomach. It was completely heartbreaking, yet beautiful at the same time. I really liked the ending because it wasn't wrapped up nicely with a pretty bow, it was realistic. This book is definitely not for everyone but I really think it's worth reading. I found myself wanting to educate myself more about Afghani culture after reading this.