A review by janeeyre_914716
Loser by Jerry Spinelli


"At this time in his life Zinkoff sees no difference between the stars in the sky and the stars in his mother's plastic baggie. He believes that stars fall from the sky sometimes, and that his mother goes around collecting them like acorns. He believes she has to use heavy gloves and dark sunglasses because the fallen stars are so hot and shiny. She puts them in the freezer for forty-five mintues, and when they come out they are flat and silver and sticky on the ack and ready for his shirts. This makes him feel close to the unfallen stars left in the sky. He thinks of them as his nightlights. As he grows drowsy in bed, he wonders which is greater: the number of stars in the sky or the number of school days left in his life? It's a wonderful question."

Oh my heart! I've never read this one before and saw that my Libby app has some Spinelli audiobooks and I remember we had this book for years and I thought, why not? My mom was funny and asked why I was reading it and asked if there was going to be a movie on it and I said, "No, just wanted to read/listen to it." And I'm glad I did. This was a cute story about a misunderstood little boy and his life through grade school and yet, you couldn't help but root for Donald aka Zinkoff and his giraffe hat. I'm glad I picked this up when I did cause it was just what I needed. If you have a middle grade child who likes to read or needs to do reading in general for school, this book is one they'd probably like and it has so many good messages too. I would highly recommend this book regardless whatever age one is and being 30 and still single with no kids yet, I'm hoping one day to read this adorable story to my future kids and have them meet Zinkoff and see what a special person/boy he is. Zinkoff is truly one of a kind.