A review by klgoodrich98
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer


Content-wise, this book easily earns five stars! As a young woman attending college, hearing about the struggles of the women Krakauer followed infuriated me. I think everyone should read this book for its message alone. I’d particularly like the men in my life to read it and gain some understanding of why the fear of sexual assault is so pervasive amongst women. This book paints a devastating image of the realities surrounding how rape is addressed by our criminal justice system, which is to say, it isn’t.

That being said, something about the writing style itself in this book didn’t click with me the way I’d hoped it would. I’ve read Krakauer’s work before and enjoyed his writing, but something about this book failed to impress me stylistically. I think it may be a bit repetitive at times or go into extreme detail, though I understand the need to get the message through.