A review by rjordan19
Give Me Tonight by Lisa Kleypas


I am so totally conflicted over this book. A few parts I loved, most of it was boring, some of it was sad, some made me mad. I went in not expecting much because it was an older novel and I’m used to her more recent work and writing style.

I really think this book needs to state somewhere it’s a time travel. Some people hate them and avoid them. I like them, but I was so confused for the first 50 pages and had no idea what was going on. It’s probably enough to get enough people to put it down right there. The heroine essentially has two timelines that are merged, I guess, because honestly the whole time travel element was not done well or to completion, in my opinion. It tried to pull together at the end but I left the book still feeling a little...unresolved? Still I liked the ending better than Deverauxs A Knight in Shining Armor