A review by whatsophreadnext_
If You Still Recognise Me by Cynthia So



If there is any book that could sum up my relationship with fandoms when I was 16, it’s this one. I was deep into broadway!tumblr and this book gave me all the flashbacks.

Elsie’s friendship with with Ada is so similar to a couple of friendships I had back in the day, and the nostalgia definitely pushed up the rating for me. But what’s important about this book is the sheer amount of rep. Bi, lesbian, ace, non-binary and lots of PoC rep too! I thoroughly enjoy reading about teenage experiences in cultures other than my own and If You Still Recognise Me definitely brought that to the table (along with some delicious sounding food that I’m going to have to make).

The characters seemed a little one-dimensional but in YA contemporary, this is often the way. I’d have loved to see a little more development in Elsie’s family, particularly their views on homosexuality, but all in all this was a solid read. I definitely see this becoming a YA fave for many readers!

Thanks to NetGalley and Little Tiger Group for the arc.