A review by jackiehorne
The MacGregor's Lady by Grace Burrowes

Did not finish book.
DNF at 20%. Asher, the eldest MacGregor sibling, was declared dead in a previous book in this series, his title of Earl and clan Laird then bestowed upon his next eldest brother, Ian. But when this book starts, Asher is back in Scotland, and is holding the title, with no explanation of what happened, how he adjusted to his family after being away, or how the title came to be his (which legally would not have happened; once you inherit a title, as Ian did, it can't be taken away unless you die or commit treason).

I was disappointed that this story ignored all the set-up about Asher from the previous books in the series. But I stopped reading when I still had no idea who Asher or Hannah, the female lead, were by 20% in, what their goals and motivations were, why I should give a damn about either of them. The narrative is even more opaque than usual for the often secret-hoarding Burrowes; the story unfolds almost entirely in dialogue, with very little narrative to give context or give you a reason to care about either of these characters. We're never given a reason why Asher must take Hannah to London to help her husband hunt, or why her evil step father thinks he can control her future husband when he isn't the one arranging her marriage (he's back in Boston), either. The lack of plot sense and the absence of a reason to care for either protagonist made me decide to put this one aside.