A review by geekwayne
Over-Scheduled Andrew by Ashley Spires


'Over-Scheduled Andrew' by Ashley Spires is a fable for our busy times, but it gets high marks for it's adorable illustrations and very non-preachy message.

Andrew loves putting on plays and playing with his friend Edie. When his drama teacher suggests he join the debate club, it starts a snowball rolling. Eventually Andrew is in clubs for tennis, chess, karate, dance, Spanish and others. Slowly, his time with Edie gets taken away, but Edie is the very best kind of friend. She just waits.

A story like this could be preachy in it's message, but it's kept light and pretty funny. The illustrations are just precious and kept me smiling. This is a wonderful picture book and I hope it does really well.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Random House of Canada Limited, Tundra Books, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this adorable ebook.