A review by elvang
Midnight 2 8 by B. Anders


I read the blurb for Midnight 2 8 and should have picked up on the scattered nature of this book. I can't recommend it as it reads like a first draft. Too many missing pronouns and editing issues to ignore and some areas that were glossed over in a rush to continue the story. With two authors I would have hoped for something more polished.
The plot itself is interesting as are the MC's, O'Grady and Devyn. So much could have been done with the good vs evil sub plot and Devyn's ability to see and hear ghosts.
Spoiler We learn early on that the evil cop Jenowitz has a ghost of a child he killed following him. A good writer would have expanded on this one element but the child is never mentioned again.

My biggest beef with Midnight '2 8 is its listing on Amazon. The authors have tagged the novel as lesbian, but there is nothing more than a doctor/patient relationship between the two leading ladies which does, by the end of the novel morph into a friendship. What surprised me was an almost gratuitous BDSM hetero sex scene which I assume was included to showcase the evil nature of the bad guys in the readers mind.

This is a buyer beware book. If you are looking for lesbian love scenes you won't find them in this novel. There is a sequel being written and I may read it because I did like the main characters and the concept for the novel. I just hope more effort is put into producing a quality final draft.