A review by booksontheknightbus
Hotel for the Lost by Suzanne Young


“Sometimes the beautiful memories are the saddest ones of all"

If you're looking for your next horror book. Look no further... you've found it. I will say that it doesn't get interesting till the last 100 pages. But it will screw with your mind in those last 100 pages. It may or may not be worth it.

Hotel for the lost is about a girl named Audrey who finds herself and her family on a road trip to live with her grandmother after a tragic accident. Her father decides that the family should stop off at a grand hotel for one night. What they don't know, is that it's incredibly haunted. Audrey is presented with two choices, those choices could affect her life permanently.

I honestly feel like this gave me nightmares. I was expecting it to be a middle grade book similar to [Remember Me: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/36248263]. It was and it wasn't. If you're looking for something with a happy ending I definitely do not recommend this. I was completely caught off guard and quite honestly I'm glad I was. I like when a books isn't always about getting that perfect ending.

“In the movies there are always these poignant moments when people work out their misunderstandings, their miscommunications. But that's not real life. In real life it's hard to tell someone you don't love them anymore. It's harder to tell your father you don't know how to live another day. My grief has stolen my voice"

At times this book was extremely confusing and the characters were lacking something. The main character was ultra messy and she annoyed me. Her brother even more so. With that being said, there were some exceptional quotes in this book and I keep having to go back to the ending. It was great. Definitely suggest this for for 7th grade and up.