A review by amyl88
Miss Hickory by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey


Ummm... Weird. A homemade doll, made of a twig with a hickory nut for a head, is abandoned over the winter and has to survive alone. Or rather, with some help from the animals around. In the end, she loses her head to a starving squirrel and winds up attaching her twig self to an apple tree, thereby reviving it and helping it to bloom again. This was written well before the 60s, so I don't think there was any acid involved in the writing of it, but it couldn't hurt to have some handy for the reading part.

This is a Newbery Award winner. Even though we are using May as a catch-up month, I had already checked this out from the library, and it's due back tomorrow. So I figured I'd go ahead and read it. Don't know if I'm glad I did or not.