A review by alittlespook
Deus Ex Machina by Andrew Foster Altschul, Andrew Altschul


The book could have been pretty neat. A reality show run by a man known only as "the producer," as he tries to open humanity to the world. His goal is to see what's truly in the human heart, but all he seems to get are the same cliches.

But the writing is messy. At first, I thought the author was ending chapters awkwardly because he was going to get back to things. Maybe he was trying to up the mystery a bit, and I was patient. I got more than halfway through the book and it's only continuing to go downhill. The characters are cardboard cutouts, everyone the producer interacts with or watches through his screens are false and empty. And that seems to be the point, initially. But then nothing happens. For a long time. Still nothing happens. 150 pages is plenty of time for something to happen. So I'm left with half-finished thoughts (that are almost good! Altschul was so close!) and a 150 pages worth of cliches.

Do not want.