A review by missawn
Counterpoint by Rachel Haimowitz


GAH! This book ends badly ... I HATE that ...

This was a pretty inconsistent read for me. While I enjoy the fantasy elements and the dramatic plot ... I found the writing style was a little stilted and awkward at times. The story is imaginative and there are some very delightful elements incorporated into the world-building. Still, I had a hard time getting into it and found that the story didn't quite flow for me ...

The relationship between the two MCs had a slightly unusual beginning. I found Freyrik's lusting and Ayden's lack of interest slightly pervy. But the relationship dynamic changes eventually and I was surprised by the chemistry that develops between them towards the end of the book. There are some very lovely tender moments between Freyrik and Ayden ... and I was definitely emotionally invested in their story. However, they were two nearly perfect MCs which was slightly annoying and a bit boring. Freyrik is physically strong and magnanimously kind. Ayden is exceptionally beautiful and a powerful magician.

So in the end, a bit of a mixed bag for me. Ayden's early demisexual vibes impacted how I felt about the story. I also had a hard time getting under both MCs skins and they remained pretty two-dimensional caricature-like for me despite some clever and imaginative writing. There is not a lot of interesting or developed side characters ... we know a few names but not really much more. Perhaps there will be more about them in the next book ...

Beware: Book builds towards a massive unresolved cliffhanger. DO NOT read this book unless you are willing to purchase the second to find out what happens ...