A review by thatbooknerd__
International Player by Louise Bay


I’ve read a few books by this author and I’ve always enjoyed them but this one was completely different for me.
Starting off I really enjoyed the story, it was easy to enjoy and got my interest going. But that soon changed, it became predictable and lost the excitement I was expecting.
I didn’t feel any depth to the characters and I couldn’t feel the chemistry that they are supposed to have.
Noah wasn’t what I was expecting at all. From the title and the blurb you would expect him to have billions in the bank and be flying all over the world spending money and a women hanging off him. But that wasn’t the case, he didn’t show off his wealth (which was a nice change) he wasn’t arrogant and wasn’t a player really.
I liked Truly’a character, she was this geeky nerd we could all relate to. And I enjoyed her relationship with her sister Abigail.
I did find the storyline predictable at times which was disappointing.
I will definitely read more books by this author!