A review by wicked_nyx
Forever Black by Sandi Lynn


1 ½ Stars

Oh I so WANTED to like this book. That being said, I didn’t, I couldn’t. And yet I couldn’t stop reading it…it was like watching a car crash, I just couldn’t look away.

The first third of the book, I spent half of my time being jarred out of the story by the strange lack of contractions. The book is written in first person POV and even the inner dialogue was strangely bereft of contractions. How many people sound so utterly formal all the time, not only when speaking, but also when thinking?

Speaking of POV, the entire book is from Ellery’s POV, except for one strange, short chapter written from Connor’s POV. We learn nothing about his motivations or his inner self and it seems to serve no purpose in the story arc.

Every time they have a fight it turns into the sacking of Carthage, including the razing of the city and the salting of the earth. No small disagreements, just global thermonuclear war followed by one or both of them leaving. And then with very little growth or development, magically they get back together and are having sex.

And speaking of the sex, this was a very un-erotic book of erotica. The following excerpts are from a single two-page section:

He gently inserted his finger in me and feeling the wetness before inserting another. I gasped at the pleasure and arched my back for him to go deeper. His tongue ran circles around my swollen area forcing me to release my pleasure to him


He sat up and moved fluently in and out of me. He reached his hands around and grabbed my breasts, squeezing them and pinching each nipple before moving his hand down and rubbing my aching spot.

(That’s right people, he moved fluently in and out of her.) All their sex scenes are like this - short, barely descriptive and supremely UN-sexy. And you can also see the profound lack of good comma usage. I would rather have too many commas than the extreme dearth of commas that this book presents to the reader. I found myself having to read sentences several times in order to get the right meaning.

I think the author might also be unaware of the use of the apostrophe in order to show possession - instead of Connor's plane, it is Connors plane; instead of Connor's penthouse, it is Connors penthouse...I don't know if I saw a single correctly used apostrophe to show possession in the entire book.

I gave this 1 ½ star because the storyline had promise, and I did finish the book. I am unbelievably happy that I borrowed this book and didn’t spend any money on it.