A review by booksabrewin
Hot Rock by Annie Seaton


I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have been in a reading rut the last few months and wasn't sure I was ever going to find my way out of it. I felt like I read the same thing over and over again just from different authors with different character names. It seemed all the physical books I had accumulated all ran together so in an attempt to break my exceedingly tedious span of "same old, same old" I turned to the vast amount of e-books I had gathered in my kindle cloud. This little gem was among them and it was purely through random selection that I decided to give it a gander. I am grateful that I did as my rut finally came to an end.

Megan has longed to visit the site of a music festival that has been going on since the early 70's. As a doctorate student focused on the cultural and societal differences of music festivals through the ages, it was fated that Megan finally get a chance to visit one of the most famous ones to date. However, issues at home start to plague Megan and cause her to question whether she should remain in England and live her dream or venture home and try to save her comfortable future. In the process of deciding she meets her gorgeous neighbor that seems to bear an unusual resemblance to one of her favorite 70s musicians.

David reveled in his solitude. The last thing he needed was an attractive woman coming around and threatening that. He needed to keep the vixen at arms length and if that meant acting the part of the stereotypical big-headed musician, he could do that. Well... he hoped he could do that. It seemed Megan was bound and determined to get under his skin and become a woman the likes of which he had never before met in either time he frequented. What future could the two have with David spending half his time in 2014 and the other half of his time rocking the stage in the 1970s?

Finally, a book that got me out of my rut. I have to admit, I didn't really have high hopes for the book. I had not read any books by Annie Seaton and was worried it'd be a bit to "indie-fied" for my liking. I was certainly wrong. The chemistry between David and Megan was palpable. Where the time travel angle could have caused confusion and disharmony within the storyline, it seemed to flow rather easily, a feat not easily achieved even by extremely skilled authors.

Although I did have one issue with the book. A relatively small one, but one none-the-less. There were some issues that the female protagonist experienced with the time traveling that I would have liked an explanation to. There was no real reasoning behind the physical symptoms she endured and I started to wonder why it was even included in the first place. But, that did not effect the overall appeal of the book so I can live without the whys of it.

This book is Diana Gabaldon meets rocker fiction. It's a fun mix that would appeal to those who like sexy rocker men who can also time travel. Groupies and time travel capabilities, talk about a man who has it all.

Review Posted on: http://www.ladybugliterature.blogspot.com