A review by blueyorkie
Os Cachorros / Os Chefes by Pedro Tamen, Mario Vargas Llosa


"Os Chefes" brings together six conflicts. There are five rounds of pure violence and the last, of affectionate perversity. Of this set, urban fictions show boys challenging themselves, disputing a territory or a girl.
Or they were collectively challenging the rigid norms of a school dictatorship, a minor representation of the various dictatorships in Latin America. Far from the metropolis, rural narratives also speak of account settlements. Omnipresent, only death. There are six stories of a simple plot, told with grace and elegance. They respect the traditional form of the genre, not forgetting the welcome surprise in the last paragraph. In "O AvĂ´", this surprise is almost unlikely, but its strangeness provokes a flash of humour that ignites the tale.