A review by eesh25
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket


3.25 Stars

At this point, these reviews seem more like progress updates. But I might have something relatively new to say.

Violet, Klaus and Sunny are, once again, in need of a guardian. And when Poe gives them options as to where they could go next, they come across the name V.F.D. and find out it's a town. A really weird one too. The people there take the saying "it takes a village to raise a child" way too seriously, but only in the matters that suit them. So the kids get the chores of the entire town but no one wants to keep them or feed them. And that's without all the crows.

Thankfully, the town council selects someone for them, and he's a good guy. He treats the kids well, which is a nice change for them after the events of the last six books. There were a few changes in this book, but certain annoying things prevailed.

One was the sheer incompetence of every single adult ever. I know the kids are supposed to do stuff on their own, but would it really hurt to have one adult in there who isn't useless? Olaf seems to be the only one around with half a brain. It wasn't fun in The Bad Beginning and it's still not fun. We're also still getting multiple dozed of being told what each of the kids' interests are. Sunny still makes no sense.

But things are slowly changing and maybe, in time, Sunny will learn to speak, and will develop an interest other than getting into sword fights using her teeth â€”that scene is still the most bizarre thing in this series.

Anyway, there were positives. Like how short and easy-to-read these books are. And there were a couple of surprises, one regarding Count Olaf. But mainly, I'm really happy about the direction the book took near the end. It was something that could really change the series. It gave me hope that maybe the old formula is about to change, which makes things interesting.