A review by readalotwritealot
Life Is a 4-Letter Word: Laughing and Learning Through 40 Life Lessons by David A. Levy


When I signed up for a book tour to read this book in exchange for my honest opinion, I could have never anticipated where the world would be right now. And, as such, this story of anecdotes and life lessons took on a new meaning. It gave me a positive focus and realistic outlook when I really needed one.

This small book packs a powerful punch. With its short chapters, it could have been a quick read, but I found myself going through it slowly and thinking about each lesson. A few of my favorites were “Beware the Illusion of Choice”, “Every Decision Involves Trade-offs”, and “Perfectionism is Flawed”. Both Levy’s anecdotes and lessons resonated with me on these chapters.

I highly recommend this book filled with insights from a psychologist. I think it would benefit everyone, especially now. I know I will be revisiting it.