A review by willwork4airfare
Più di un bacio by Daria Snadowsky


This book was alright. It's not as good as other books in its genre but it's not as bad as most either.

Anatomy of a Boyfriend is an aptly named book about Dominique Baylor, a senior in high school who falls in love for the first time.

The sex scenes are graphic and accurate. I loved that the narrator complained about the tedium of hand jobs and her feelings about sex, no matter how naive, seemed really true to life. All the same, her innocence was annoying as well as her boyfriend's. Amy, her best friend and foil in the novel, was overly risque in comparison.

I really did like Dominique's character because she was embarrassingly honest and emotional. She's an easily relatable character for most girls or anyone who has dated a quiet and slightly aloof guy. He, on the other hand, comes off as irritable and hard to predict. Her parents play a surprisingly big role in her life which seems unnbelievable as well.

In the end, it was a very typical teen novel, nothing of the fantasically written teen fiction I look out for. It was an interesting read, but nothing that's going to stick with me.