A review by ecooper99
Dirt by Stuart Woods


I read the first book in the series, New York Dead, when I was 16 -- a whopping 22 years ago! -- and I still remember it fondly. Having recently noticed that the 44th Stone Barrington book is on the New York Times bestseller list, I thought I'd pick up the second and see what the fuss is all about. While I didn't think the writing was top notch, and I had some pretty serious issues with both the plot and the characterization, the novel was immensely... readable. It was fun, pure and simple.

Stone might as well be James Bond lite -- smooth, good looking, able to bed any woman he comes across. He's smart, rich, suave, and has impeccable taste in everything from clothes to those aforementioned women. While this book (or the series, I imagine) won't win any literary awards, it's a fun ride, and I was more than happy to keep turning pages late into the night to see how the story would end. I will be continuing with the series, because I'm curious to see what kind of trouble Stone will get himself into next.