A review by geese82
Bakuman., Volume 19 by Tsugumi Ohba


I really like this series, as it comes to an end, this volume is a good entry to the last volume. With the last half of this series, a reader might expect that all will be good, where the writer added a bump in the quest to reach the "dream" of the protagonists, and made us wonder "what happens next?".

Even though the story is fictional it is almost realistic when it comes to relationships, reaching ones dreams, and the manga industry. It also shows the ugly side of fanaticism which almost ruined the "dream" and created the bump that will bring us closure in the last volume.

This series is definitely one of my favorite manga, it might be dull to some, wanting the wit and action-pack feel of the creators previous works, but the slice of life vibe of this series is dear to my heart, and I applaud the superb storytelling.

I do not know if they have a new series after this, (it ended last year) will definitely follow all their works.