A review by ashenfluff
What Men Live By and Other Tales by Leo Tolstoy


What Men Live By
every time i read tolstoy now i expect brilliant stuff, some profound messages of humanity or insight into my own life - and again, i am not disappointed
an angel is sent to discover three values:
- what dwells in man: love
- what is not given to man: to know his own needs
- what men live by: not by care for themselves, not by the thought that they spend on their own welfare, but by love
"I understood that God does not wish men to live apart, and therefore he does not reveal to them what each one needs for himself; but he wishes them to live united, and therefore reveals to each of them what is necessary for all"

Three Questions
the king asks three questions, but after a random event his questions are answered;
"There is only one time that is important - Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no mans knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!"
an element of spontaneity - no one knows how events will unfold, but i think as long as you have the best possible intentions then you will live a fulfilling life

The Coffee-House of Surat
quite humorous in its delivery, but i particularly enjoyed the parallels to the blind man and the sun, losing both his sight and reason as a result of always looking and thinking about it. it raises an important point about pride, how it causes error and discord among people, especially in matters of faith. i don't know, i have been an atheist for a long time, but can still apply this one of pride

(translation by l. and a. maude)