A review by helenephoebe
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen


Review - Reading the blurb for this book our book club thought it looked really funny, and I think we expected more than what it was. Disappointment seemed to be the resounding feeling about this memoir. There were also several areas where some of the comments made seemed offensive, and I did have to Google quite a few of the references to make things make sense. I forced myself to finish it, but to be honest I skim-read quite a lot of the second half rather than spending time taking it in, because I didn't really want to focus on it. Some funny moments, but these were actually few and far between. Some interesting insights into the Mennonite culture as well, but I wouldn't rush off to read the follow-up.

General Subject/s? - Memoir / Autobiography

Recommend? – No

Rating - 14/20

For a full review see my blog https://bookbloggerish.wordpress.com/2020/04/23/book-review-mennonite-in-a-little-black-dress-a-memoir-of-going-home-by-rhoda-janzen/