A review by anniekslibrary
Jasmine Zumideh Needs a Win by Susan Azim Boyer


I don't know why I put off reading this for so long, it was great. I desperately want historical fiction to be more of a thing in YA, because I think it's really fun and also really broadens people's horizons. History is interesting!

The strength of this book lies in the main character, who has such a fun voice. She has a lot of ambition, in which she reminded me of Rory Gilmore: she wants to go to NYU and become a pop journalist. Throughout the book, she doesn't always make the right decisions because of her ambitions, as anti-Iranian sentiments rise among her fellow high schoolers. All she wants is to fit in and be accepted and reach her goals, but if she stands up for her heritage, this might be hard to achieve.

I loved reading about the journey Jasmine goes on, but I do think the ending could have been fleshed out a little more. I thought it was all wrapped up rather suddenly and neatly, and I would have liked more of an exploration.