A review by amymilas
Eat Only When You're Hungry: A Novel by Lindsay Hunter


Don't read this book as a comedy! Im not sure who decided to add details about "laughs" and being "hilarious" to the descriptions I've seen, but I would say it's definitely not that. Maybe there were a few wry smiles?

Anyway, Lindsay Hunter is the kind of writer whose descriptions frequently made me stop and say, "Yes! That's what that's like. I never thought of it before, but that's it exactly" for descriptions of what your throats feels like when you're about to cry or what certain places smell like. I'll leave those out to avoid spoilers, but I really loved the writing in this book. Hunter just drops you right into the action with only a little exposition, and yet her characters are so rich that I felt connected to them and was sad when this short book ended. I'll be looking for other books by her for sure.