A review by cathybruce208
Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore


This is an early book by Christopher Moore, and it's not as good as some of his later work. But all the elements are there. The characters who come off as simple, but show surprising layers and depth as the story goes along. The trademark humor and throwaway witty lines. And the fractured take on the literary tropes, in this case the innocent-becoming-a-vampire-and-falling-in-love story.

It shows where my head is at, that I kept comparing this story to Twilight. Despite the fact that Mr. Moore's characters can be seen as simpletons, they show more moral development in one short book than Bella and Edward. Sort of. Anyway, I'm anxious to read the further adventures of Jody and Tommy. I gave up on Bella and Edward after the 2nd novel.