A review by sianny
Barbarian's Mate by Ruby Dixon


4.5 stars

Josie is the last single human female, and she desperately wants to resonate to someone, she doesn’t even really care who. All the single hunters are attractive and nice to her, she would have no problem being tethered to any of them. Anyone but Haeden. Her arch nemesis.

So of course the very night her IUD falls out is the night that she resonates…to Haeden.

Josie has felt rejected her whole life, being passed from foster home to foster home, bad experience to worse. All she wants is to be loved, to be cherished, and have a family of her own.

Meanwhile, Haeden has felt a pull to Josie from the first moment he ever saw her. But as he lost a resonance mate when he was younger, any attraction or feelings for another terrify him. So he constantly pushes Josie away, making her think that he hates her for no reason.

Oh Haeden! My poor, dear, sweet, wonderful Haeden. I always feel the unrequited love/rejection so strongly in these tropes! My heart absolutely broke for Haeden every time Josie rejected him or yelled at him. My skin actually prickled with sadness.

If they had both just communicated better - or maybe even at all - they could have saved so much heartache.

The travelling back to the home caves scenes though?