A review by kirjakauris
Ravenous by R.G. Alexander


2,5 stars

I haven't read about many poly relationships before, so that aspect was interesting.

I don't know if these books keep getting worse the more I read them, or if this one really was worse than the others I've read in this series, but I didn't have a good time.

I liked Jen and Trick's relationship in the beginning, mostly because Trick took his time and there was actual tension. There was promise with Declan too, but the attempt at making him into a sophisticated alpha male really fell flat. I couldn't buy into his feelings for Jen (especially considering how superficial his attraction to her was throughout), but I also had difficulty believing in his feelings for Trick, a person he had supposedly loved for over a decade.

Aside from the plot being weak, the pacing of this book was also really shitty. The plotline with Jen's mother was so abrupt and borderline absurd that I really don't know what the author was thinking. I would have much preferred a story that completely focused on the relationship between Jen, Declan and Trick, instead of trying to stir up shit unnecessarily. I get that this kind of relationship would be difficult for people to accept, but it still would have deserved more than frickin three weeks to develop.

I don't know if I'll keep reading books from this series, but if I do, it probably won't be anytime soon.