A review by thebookboy
Bone China by Laura Purcell


Do you ever get so caught up in a book that you simply have to keep reading to know what happens next? For me, Bone China was that exact experience, but with one fatal flaw - the plot once all was said and done was somewhat of a disappointment.

I loved the whole setting, the gorgeous writing, the very visual feel of it all, but the nonsensical choices by certain characters at the end and rather unfulfilling revelations meant that this book went from a solid 5 star read to more of a 3.5.

I think Laura Purcell is a fabulous writer and I very much enjoy the stories of hers I've read, I just think this book needed to be tightened up at the end and a more satisfactory finale to have accompanied the excellent material that came before it. I still had a great time being lost in the world (thus the 3.5 rating) but it definitely pales in comparison to her previous works and does fail to capture the creepy feel of her other stories too.