A review by atmorrell
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff


This book is a fun and emotional adventure. I love the main character, Yukiko, and how badass she is. I really enjoy the development between her and Buruu. I also like how her opinions about loyalty and honor are really challenged throughout the novel. I feel like her character development is natural and it feels very significant. However, her relationship with Hiro is weird and forced and not fleshed out at all. She knows he's the enemy right off the bat, yet she falls for him... why? Just because of his dreamy eyes? Or is it just purely lust? That entire relationship is unnecessary and confusing, to me. Another thing I'm unsure about is the author's writing style. It's written very cinematically, with pacing an action much like an anime show (which I definitely believe was intentional). At some points it worked--I feel like jumping between POVs during action, especially the climax, helped to build tension. But at some points it was a little awkward and felt kind of cheesy.

Another thing I noticed is that I don't think this book would pass the Bechdel test (is there more than one female character; do they talk to each other; do they discuss things other than men). While there are many strong women in this book, and I love that because they are total badasses, they don't discuss anything except the men in the novel. When Yukiko talks to Kasumi it's about her father. When she talks to Aisha or Michi it's about the Shogun. I wish I could have seen more development in the relationships between the female characters.

While this book was a slow start I did end up really enjoying it. I think it was a really fun and at times heartwrenching adventure. I look forward to reading more by this author.