A review by shes_book_obsessed
Charm by Tracy Wolff



Why do I keep doing this to myself…

Plot & romance:
This author really just made this world-building to whatever she wanted and made my guy Hudson over here scream like a bird for shits and giggles.
It read like a fever dream because everything that happened was so random. This book was all over the place and I have no idea why I couldn’t put it down.
Starfall? What in the ACOMAF.
FADE TO BLACK? ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME? Vague descriptions?! Girl you know I’m here for the romance because I’m sure as shit not here for the plot, and all you give me are crumbles?

And don’t get me started on how the villain just told the MCs all his plans because he just had to gush about his success, of course it wasn’t done so the author could give the MCs some help.

To sum it up, it’s a clusterfuck of randomness when it comes to the world-building, and their relationship fades into background noise which is the complete opposite of what I wanted. I wanted more of their relationship in the beginning, but the author just did a time skip of 6 months.

Poor Hudson deserves so much better. I think I’d like this book more if Gracacas wasn’t so stupid and annoying. How did she survive on pop tarts and Dr Pepper without getting diabetes? Must be the magic system or some shit. And Grace is either crying or screaming.

I know he’s British, doesn’t mean you have to write “fook” instead of fuck.
Gracussy’s thought monologues are endless and painfully bored me to death.
Don’t get me started on the cringe chapter titles.
There are so many anaphors and it made the language extremely repetitive and annoying to read.
Every time Grace wakes up from sleeping, she has to recap everything that just happened, like we don’t already know.

Summing up:
The instant relief that washed over me when I finished this book is indescribable.

On and on this book went, and still I read the whole thing. I lost interest in the romance because it became the side character of its own story. It would have been 200 pages long if the author cut the thought monologues and the repetitive language.

“It doesn’t make sense. None of this makes sense.” I couldn’t have said it better myself Gracey.

Will I be reading the next book? Absolutely.