A review by totallyshelfaware
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
I wanted to like this one, I really did. It came heavily recommended and had all the ingredients I normally gravitate towards, but:

  • It's written in first-person multiple POV which, if I'm not immediately drawn in to by the character's voice, I tend to find quite distracting. 

  • Stuck with it anyway and got about halfway through when I realised I still wasn't particularly invested in any of the characters

  • Too many rape threats and sexism sprinkled into casual conversation made this intensely uncomfortable to read

  • Not a fan of how little agency the women in this have, at least from the 51% I've read. I'm hoping it gets better, but I'm not willing to stick around to see if it does

  • I found the world-building and plot flimsy at best. The stakes and consequences seem to all be a product of the characters decisions, and not the setting. And since I don't find the characters engaging, it didn't make sense for me to continue 🤷🏽‍♀️

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