A review by maxarcreads
Bonds of Cupidity by Raven Kennedy


I really really loved this story. It is a comedy why choose romance with FAE characters and otherworldly creatures like the FMC who is a Cupid. This book starts off with Emelle going after the Genfins Convoy that was taken from their banishment island to compete in the trails where they will be released from their banishment, or they will die in the trials. This means Emelle has to go to the High Fae court/Island where the prince is actively looking for her as she "attacked" him in the last book. She is found by the Princess who hates her husband the Prince. The princess promises to help Emelle get in contact with the Genfins as being separated from them is causing parts of her to disappear until she will fully disappear into the veil and all Emelle has to do is spy on the prince as the princess is part of the rebellion to overthrow the prince and his father the king.
However, as parts of her are disappearing the princess assigns a trusted guard to watch over her so that they can monitor the situation. This guard Okot turns out to be her mate! He is such a sweet and kind character her. I really loved how sweet he was in comparison to the Genfins who weren't always the kindest welcoming bunch to her. Okot also comes to find out that she is to be mates with the Genfins and he respects that she loves them and will respect their bond and will not make her choose. He eventually gets her into see the Genfins briefly so that her disappearing parts come back, and she isn't in too much danger of returning to the veil. However, then the trails have to begin and the Genfins must survive this so that they can form a mating bond with Esmelle and be allowed to go free.

I really loved how sweet Okot was and how sweet, naive and funny Esmelle was in this book. This book had me smiling and laughing out loud while reading it. Especially, how Esmelle is forced to communicate at one point with lust breath and flirt touches with the Genfins as she has crossed into the veil and is stuck.

There were also several side characters who I enjoyed while reading and their interactions with the main characters. There is spice in this book especially during the separate mating ceremonies and it was really well done. There is also a good plot in this book with battles from the trials and the obstacles everyone has to overcome. Like I said it was a sweet, funny and spicy story with a good plot to help the story move along. I am excited to see how the next one in the series goes.