A review by shryanayak
Alexei by Eva Winners


We're already familiar with the male lead of the fourth book in Belles & Mobsters yet this one in particular plays with complex family dynamics of both MCs so from what I have gathered ~

Nikola Nikolaev with his wife, Marietta Taylor fathers three children - Vasili, Sasha & Tatiana.

Nikola has an affair with another woman, which results in a pregnancy. Alexei Nikolaev is thus, a half-brother to Vasili, Sasha & Tatiana.

Then Alexei’s mother is violated by some old mafia perv which also results in a pregnancy. She gives birth to Isabella, making Alexei her half-brother.

A young Alexei was ruthlessly thrown at the enemy by Marietta Taylor once she discovered that her husband had been unfaithful. He had been forced to commit heinous crimes that still haunt him to this day. Fortunately, his brothers found him and he met the family he never realised he had had. But his past is now back to haunt him as Igor has become unstoppable, wrecking havoc all throughout the States.

Agent Aurora Ashford has been tirelessly working away at FBI in hopes of finding a person, whose absence still haunts her entire family. It has almost been two decades since that fateful day when she was separated from the person who completed her family, since he was heartlessly taken away from her by some mob boss her father had made an enemy out of.

Now the Nikolaev brothers want to join hands with the FBI to take down the worst human being anyone has ever come across and Aurora is most definitely not backing out. She wants justice and Alexei is the only person who can help her.

The mystery clouding the pasts of MCs which spanned almost the entire read had to be my favourite element among all. It keeps you guessing till the very end and you're not satisfied until you've reached the last page. Everything was beautifully tied-up w/o any sort of loose ends. But if you're still guessing about what happened to Anya, Sailor or Gabriel, I bet it'll all be clear in Rafael’s book. The Ashford brothers stole the limelight off the mobsters and now I cannot wait to read about the Billionaire Kings. Especially, Kingston! Already waiting for the next book here!!