A review by goodyeargoodbooks
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake


I am a tad disappointed, if only because the first 200 pages of this were a solid 5 stars, with the potential to be one of the best books I have read recently. However the last 150 pages dragged a considerable amount, and I became bored and more prone to putting the book down (I read it in a day, but I put it down 3 times during the last 150 pages), which docked a star from my rating.
The story is fabulous. It had the perfect amount of creepy to satisfy me; I read it in the build up to Halloween, but I get easily scared sometimes. This book creeped me out a bit, but not so much so that I was put off from picking up the sequel, which I will now be doing.
Taking everything into account, I did not enjoy this as much as 'Say Her Name' by James Dawson, which is my favourite creepy book of the year so far, but 'Anna Dressed in Blood' freaked me out considerably less, which is a good thing in my eyes. It is a shame that the pace slowed at the end, otherwise this could have been one of my favourite books of the autumn.