A review by blakeaustin
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher


Save yourself the almost 400 pages of boring filler that is The Twisted Ones and just read The White People by Arthur Machen instead.

It’s ironic that the line “I’ve read much more grating narrative voices” appears in this book because the voice of the narrator is my absolute biggest gripe with The Twisted Ones. She talks like someone is trying to write the dialogue for a Marvel movie: overly witty and incredibly obnoxious. I was borderline skimming certain sections of the book because the narrator was just so unbearable and unlikable. I found that it detracted from what were supposed to be moments of horror when the narrator was constantly butting in with unfunny commentary that just got in the way and felt like it was trying way too hard to be clever or relatable or something.

Overall just a massive disappointment. And even more disappointing when you realize that the best parts of this book are (literally) directly taken from Arthur Machen. This was like reading bad fan fiction.