A review by sleepless_sam
Munmun by Jesse Andrews


This book...sigh. It has an interesting concept: the more money and resources you have, the bigger you can become physically, with the poorest being the size of mice and the largest being taller than skyscrapers. However, it is executed...oddly. Everyone has a very strange way of speaking which makes deciphering the dialogue a challenge at times due to the various in-world slang, which requires a dictionary in the back to make sense of. Also, this is clearly a criticism of capitalism which wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that the metaphor came across ham-fisted and over the top. I dislike preachy books, and this book broke out a pulpit worthy of a Southern Baptist congregation. Confusing dialogue combined with irritating preaching made this book a struggle to finish; the only reason I pushed through was to meet my reading goal. Would not recommend unless you want a book to baffle and frustrate you at nearly every opportunity.