A review by anabelsbrother
Laws of Physics: Motion by Penny Reid


3.5-4 stars

Also on Romances Ever After.

Abram's book is here!

I was intrigued by him when first met him in Elements of Chemistry, especially when he dared go and poke the grumpy Martin Sandeke. Pretty excited when I heard Penny was going to write his book, and when it was revealed that he was Marie's (from Penny's Knitting in the City series) little brother. Talk about a crossover!

The beginning of the story was a little bit rough for me because I wasn't really sure what to feel about Mona. I was charmed by Kaitlyn (Elements of Chemistry) right away while it took me longer to warm up to Mona. She was a girl genius being roped into impersonating her identical twin sister Lisa for a week, and I didn't know how to feel about this until I got further into the story--when Mona had to pretend to be Lisa while staying with Abram, and found herself catching feelings for him, and him for her.

"Was he falling for me? Or my sister?"

That just fueled my need for angst. Every time Mona thought about the hopelessness of her situation, my heart broke for her. By the end of MOTION, I could confidently say that I love Mona, her Physics jokes and her quirky sayings. I just want to protect her from all types of heartbreaks.

I feel like we haven't learned enough about Abram in MOTION, but what we did learn (a little bit of his backstory, his passion for music, how he feels a little too much), I like. Side note: there is a little discussion about romance books in this story because Abram is a romance reader (!!!). He defended the genre to skeptical Mona and even recommended her Lisa Kleypas. His favourite LKs were Devil in Winter and Love in the Afternoon! I love that man.

The cliffhanger was a brutal one, but Penny did warn us about it multiple times. Luckily we don't have to wait that long for the next book (which will also have a cliffhanger... *dies*)

[TW: mentions of assault]

E-ARC is received thanks to the wonderful author.