A review by cherryghost15
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath


Not sure how I missed this. Guess I got in a Flannery O'Connor or two and just never pushed further into more women's writing. I listened to the audible version with the delicious voice of Maggie Gyllenhaal, and it was quite a treat. From the great descriptions through Esther's eyes and the sadness at how young she is to experience such a severe episode of depression. But the disease is in your brain and not on your schedule or concerned with your timetable, goals, or plans. In other areas it struck me how little has changed for women in so many ways. And I do mean the smart, educated, and well brought up variety.

I did have some trouble following it; I think because it was the audible version. But I went back and listened again until I had filled in all the gaps.

Unfortunately not much has changed today in mental health care, either. Despite her classic symptoms, many people have no idea what is going on--it can manifest for months before a person might think medical care is needed--and it just depends on who and what kind of doctor they have, if any, to get the appropriate help. Didn't do enough for the real Sylvia; but I guess Ted was something of a lady killer as they said back in the day.

I am looking forward to her poetry.

If you think someone needs help, speak up. If you know someone dealing with mental illness, just be there for them. They are not a problem to be fixed (by you) but a person who needs your friendship.